What I’m doing now

Updated 2025-02-07


AI is a revolution. It’s changing a lot, and I believe it will profoundly impact how we create software. I want to dive deep into AI—the only way to truly learn is by doing.

Codename “OwlCast” – extracting essentials from podcasts. Why? For some, it helps quickly skim episodes to decide which ones to listen to; for others, it serves as a sparring partner to reflect on key lessons and novel ideas.

I’ll share my progress as I build.

I want to launch three complete products in 2025—this is the first one.

Learning to Write

Writing is an essential skill. The best way to learn to write is to write—that’s why I started my blog. My goal is one article per week. It’s not going great, but I keep moving forward. I’ve already improved a lot, and I’ve only published a dozen articles.

I have three main areas of interest:
  • Software development
  • AI
  • Bootstrapping & building micro-products


Building stuff @ Quicknode.com

I’ve great pleasure in hacking on interesting projects. We focus on building—small team, product-oriented, handling all layers. Almost no meetings. A lot of trust. That’s how I love to work.